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Background check

To ensure a safe environment for both our teenagers and customers, everyone who signs up must pass an ongoing background check.

At Yepstr, safety is our top priority as we work with teenagers. To ensure a secure environment for both our teenagers and customers, we conduct ongoing background checks on all users.

How it works

When you register on Yepstr, you must agree to a background check. Then an initial check is performed which you have to pass in order to continue. After that, if anything new appears in your record in the future, your account will be automatically locked.

The background check is made by the company Verifiera and we never get access to your records.


What happens if I get an infraction after being approved?

If something new appears in your record after being approved, your account will be automatically locked, and you will not be able to continue using Yepstr.

How often do you check my record?

The checks are not done randomly. If something new appears in the future, your account will be automatically locked.

What types of crimes are allowed?

No crimes are allowed, no matter how minor.
Because we are building a platform for teenage jobs, we are have zero tolerance for crime and prosecution. Unfortunately, our zero-tolerance policy also means that users who have been innocently convicted or prosecuted are affected. If you belong to this group, we ask for your understanding and refer to any other services available.

Can I register if I have an old infraction?

No, unfortunately, we cannot approve registrations if there are any infractions in your record, no matter how old or small they are.

Do you have access to my criminal record information?

The background check is done by the company Verifera, and Yepstr will never have access to your record.