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Home services by talented teenagers in your area

Få hjälp med enklare hushållssysslor som barnpassning, läxhjälp och trädgårdshjälp. Lokalt, flexibelt och tryggt via Yepstr-appen.
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Sweden's largest platform for typical teenage jobs

Yepstr is an app where families can buy services from teenagers across the street. We have created this because we know it’s just as hard to find a job as a teenager - as it is to find help as an adult. Today, we have helped thousands of teenagers get their first job as a babysitter, tutor, dog minder or gardener.

Years we've existed
Users in Sweden
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Why thousands of people use Yepstr to solve the daily struggle

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All teenagers are employed, have verified their identity with BankID and completed a background check. In addition, insurance through IF (covering 10 million SEK) is included.
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Find you perfect household helper that lives in your neighborhood.
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Personal match

Our matching process is tailored after your needs and you can choose who you take help from.
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No annoying processes with middle mans, with our app you are in control.

Solve the daily struggle with Yepstr

Download the Yepstr app and get matched with talented babysitters, gardeners or tutors today.

Common questions about Yepstr