From what age can you start babysitting?

A short guide to babysitting for children of all ages
That all children are different is hardly a secret. They have their own personalities, interests, and their individual and unique needs. Therefore, it is difficult to say an age from which one "should" or "can" start with babysitting. You as a parent are the one who knows your child best, and you are thus the only one who can decide when your child is ready to be left with someone else.But entrusting the best you have to an outsider is not only a matter that concerns the child, it also concerns you as a parent. It is simply a matter of both you and your child feeling safe from being apart for a while.Who? - perhaps the most important issue when it comes to childcareThere is also a big difference in who is to look after the child. If it is grandparents that the child has met regularly since it was tiny, it may not feel like such a big deal. But if it is an acquaintance that the child has only met from time to time or a babysitter the child has never met before, the step can feel greater, and the uncertainty as well.Fortunately, the various babysitting services available on the market are very aware of the anxiety and insecurity that parents feel when leaving their children. Many therefore carry out proper background checks on their babysitters and ensure that all are trained in CPR.There are also childcare services that function as digital platforms where users themselves contact each other, and which thus leave the responsibility for background checks and the like to each individual person. It means more responsibility for you, but at the same time gives you a little more freedom about layout and price.No, I'll do it myself! - the bad conscience about hiring a babysitterIn addition to anxiety, there is another thing that affects whether you choose to book a babysitter or not, and that is the bad conscienceâŠBaby-sitter? No, it feels stupid. I have chosen to have children, then I have to take care of it as well. You do not get children to leave it.Do you recognize the mindset? Obviously a reasonable thought, and there is nothing wrong with thinking about it, but leaving the child a couple of hours a week is not a bad thing. It can rather be something very positive and nice for both the child and you. The child gets the opportunity to build a relationship with another person, and you get time to do something for yourself.
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Babysitter for babies
When the baby is still breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, it can feel difficult to tear itself apart, and if you do not feel the need to leave your baby during this period, you should of course not do so. There are no rules for how to feel or how to "should" do. Your needs are your needs, and you should do what you feel best about. If it's grandparents or a good friend come and look after your child a couple of hours a week, that's how it is. There is nothing harmful in leaving your child with someone who loves it, provided that person is able to take care of a child and knows what it needs.Most things with children are about common sense. If you notice that your child does not feel comfortable or insecure when you leave it with someone else, try to refrain from doing so for a period, and try later instead. A smart thing about the youngest children is to leave them with the babysitter at home in your home, this way the child does not have to be exposed to too many changes and too many new impressions. Start with short moments and gradually increase according to how it works.
Read more: What should I keep in mind when choosing a babysitter?

Babysitter for children 8 months-2 years
When the child begins to crawl or walk, it enters a separation phase. All of a sudden, the child can move on its own, away from mom and dad, and this can of course be experienced as scary. The greatest fear is when the child is 1â1.5 years old.The child may be more demanding in this phase, and even if you have a person who has cared for the child often before, it can be difficult to leave it with others at certain periods. At the same time, the child has developed and often manages to be away from the parents for longer periods than before. It's all about adapting to what the child can do and feel best about. If you have one or a couple of people who repeatedly look after the child, and everything works, then this is a very positive thing for the child who in this way gets to bond and create relationships with several people around him. There is no such thing as "too many" affiliates, as long as there are people who love the child and show up regularly.The same principle obviously applies to children of all ages - if you notice that your child does not feel good about being away from you, try to solve it so that you do not have to be away from it so often or for so long, and try again when the child feels safer.
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Babysitter for children 2-5 yearsA child develops his or her perception of time only at preschool age, and before that it is therefore difficult to determine how long you as a parent are away. The child also has a hard time understanding how long you have been away when you return, and cannot grasp if you are gone just for the moment or forever. If the child is left for too long or too often, this can lead to a lack of trust on the part of the child. Once again, it is a matter of adapting the babysitting opportunities to what the child can handle.If the child suddenly has nightmares, does not want to go to preschool, or otherwise behaves unusually, you should wait a while before leaving the child again. Lack of trust is not serious and can always be remedied, as long as you get to grips with it as early as possible. The child just needs to feel that you as a parent are always there when it needs you.Babysitter for children 5 years and upWhen the child reaches the age of 5, he begins to realize how the world is connected, and that it may not be the middle of the universe after all. The child can do a lot on his own, but often alternates between being big and small. At this age, rules and justice are important. Now the child becomes more aware of himself and can therefore take adversity quite hard. When it's time to start preschool class, new demands are placed on the child, who may therefore need to take it a little calmer when it comes to leisure activities for a while. Like us adults, it needs moments where it can just relax and "chill".How often and for how long you can have a babysitter for your child at this age follows the same principle as for all the child's ages - how does your child handle being away from you, and what does your child feel best about.When the babysitter becomes a role modelAs I said, as long as you always look after the child's best interests and adapt the length and frequency of the babysitting sessions according to the child, there are many benefits to being able to slip away sometimes. You as a parent get the opportunity to get started with activities on your own that make you feel good, you and your partner may be able to go out to eat or just take a long walk at your own pace. You simply get time for yourself, while the child gets a chance to bond with another person.
Here you can read about Filippa's experience of babysitting
A few tips for babysitting opportunities:
- Stick to the routines. Even if it is the babysitter who is to feed and lay the baby, try to keep everything as normal as possible. So that the child feels safe.
- Always be clear that you are going to go. Do not try to sneak away when the child is busy with other things. It is important that the child knows that you should be away for a while, get a goodbye and see when you go.
- Leave one of your clothes with the child, this way it can feel your scent, which gives a nice security when it is time to sleep.
- Be clear about what you expect from the babysitter, and make sure the babysitter has communicated their expectations and needs.

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