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Swedens largest babysitting app
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4.6 of 4000+ reviews
Yepstr app

Why thousands of families choose babysitting via Yepstr

With Yepstr, you get faster access to better babysitters who live closer, at a price that is often half that of competitors. At the same time, our nannys get paid just as well.
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Affordable babysitting

Sweden's best prices while your nanny gets to keep more of the salary. On average 120 SEK/hour with the possibility of a discount through a monthly deposit.
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In your local area

Since 2023, Yepstr is Sweden's largest babysitting concern. Therefore, you can find a good nanny wherever you live.
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Where you are in control

It's better when you decide who will take care of your children, not a salesperson.

Find a nanny as easy as child's play

See your first matches today! Download the app for free, tell us about your need and start your search. We match you with verified, background checked babysitters in your local area and you choose who you want to book in for a free interview.
Screenshot of the babysitting flow in the Yepstr app

Explain your need

Download the Yepstr app and answer a few questions about your needs.
Inbox in the Yepstr app with two babysitter candidates

Get answers from nannys

Compare the profiles of babysitters, chat and choose which ones you want to meet.
The chat in the Yepstr app where the babysitter has sent a time report and the customer has sent a payment confirmation

Free first meeting

If you are happy after the meeting, you can proceed by booking and paying through the app.
Nanny smiling towards the camera in a playgroundYellow badge with star and the text "Verified reviews"

Choose your nanny

Yepstr does the groundwork so that you can spend your time choosing and coaching the right babysitter. We verify, conduct background checks, insure, hire all our babysitters, handle RUT deductions, and ensure that everything is done according to the rules.

How does it work under the hood? Our matching algorithm searches for the babysitters that best match your needs. Then, you choose who you want to meet. Additionally, a matching specialist always follows the process and is available if you have any questions.

How are we different? Unlike our competitors, we don’t have salespeople looking for babysitters via TikTok, Instagram, and the Employment Service to then try to sell you the only available babysitter. On the contrary, with Yepstr, you are in full control.

Industry leading safety

We know that it can feel overwhelming and daunting to hand over the responsibility for your children to someone else. Therefore, safety is our most important guiding principle, and today we are the best in the industry at just that.
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Ongoing background checks
Unlike our competitors, we continuously check several registers, including the criminal records register. If something were to happen, such as an indictment or investigation for a serious crime, the account is automatically locked. We have zero tolerance, and safety will always be our highest priority.
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Employed babysitters
All babysitters at Yepstr are employed by us. We verify their identity and obtain parental consent for nannies under 18 years old.
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Insurance always included
Sweden’s most comprehensive insurance policies compensate up to 10 million kronor via IF. Liability, accident, and property insurance are always included for all assignments.
Two blue badges. BankID logo with the text "Verified identity" and shield with the text "Ongoing background check"Babysitter is sitting in a sofa with a toddler

Frequently asked questions about babysitting

Nanny for all needs at the same hourly rate

No matter what your needs are, we can find a personal nanny for you. You always pay the same hourly rate regardless of the type of help you need.
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Recurring babysitting

Our babysitters offer recurring babysitting once or several times a week. This can be combined with the nanny picking up from preschool and taking care of the children until you get home.
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Babysitter for pick-up/drop-off

Avoid the stress of picking up/dropping off your children. Our babysitters can pick up/drop off the children at preschool or school. They make sure the children get home safely and can even help with simple meals until you come home.
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Babysitter for special occasions

Planning a party, wedding, or other special occasion? Our babysitters can take care of the children so you can enjoy the event.
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Nanny on demand

For unexpected needs, you can get help from a babysitter when you need it. Whether it’s an evening activity, a spontaneous outing, or an important event, our nannies are ready to step in.
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Full-time/part-time babysitter

Our babysitters can provide support on a full-time or part-time basis, tailored to your schedule. Perfect for those who need a long-term babysitting solution, both day and night.
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Nanny who speaks specific languages

For families who need a nanny who speaks a specific language, we can match you with babysitters who have the right language skills.

Get matched with nannies today!

Download the app via App store or Google Play and get matched with background checked babysitters in your neighbourhood.