9 summer jobs for young people in high school

Tips on 9 summer jobs for you in high school
Summer is fast approaching and with it comes summer jobs. Are you one of those high school students who has not found the right summer job, needs urgent help or is just thinking about what summer jobs are available? Then this guide is for you!The summer jobs available vary if you live in Malmö, Sollentuna or Ăstersund, but you will find them in much the same way. Of course, there are still summer jobs for late application and all ages. We have listed 10 summer jobs 2018 for you who go to high school.Do you not know which summer job suits you best? Think about this:
- Location: Think about where you want to work in the summer. Do you have a country house, do you want to be "in town" over lunch or maybe in the archipelago? Worth thinking about!
- Schedule and work period: Do not let the whole summer go to work. Ask already at the job interview how long the assignment is valid and what the schedule looks like on the days.
- Workload: Some jobs require more physical effort than others. For some this is desirable, for others not. What do you feel?
- Reputation: Ask previous summer workers how their experience was in the place you are eager to apply to.
This article is written by Yepstr: Sweden's largest app for youth jobs. We have previously written about how to find youth jobs during high school. With our app, you can easily find urgent summer jobs in your local area, such as lawn mowing or summer projects such as painting.Get Yepstr today!Now we are looking at 9 summer jobs for you who are under 19 and go to high school!
Summer job in the service professions
Summer job in store

Summer job at a shoe storeJust because the regular employees take vacations, stores cannot close all of July. Because many store chains already employ young people, they are used to taking in extra help from summer workers.Tip: there are many more stores than just the big chains. Bring a bundle of printed CVs and hand them in at stores near a place where you want to work.Find store jobs
Summer job at a hotel

Summer job at a hotelWhile the rest of the country takes vacations, the hotels wind up. Working in a hotel in the summer can mean everything from working at the reception, to breakfast or even as a property manager. Perfect for you who want to work in a very social environment and be able to extend after the summer.Find a hotel job:
- Elite Hotels: visa vacant hotel jobs
- Scandic Hotels: visa vacant hotel jobs
- At Platsbanken, you will find over 100 vacant hotel jobs in the summer of 2018
Sommarjobb inom vÄrden

summer jobs in healthcareSummer job in health care, perfect for you who have a desire to study to be a nurse or doctor in the future. Get your first foot in the door and gain experience from an exciting and industry. Especially during Corona time 2020, this sector grew tremendously.Find summer jobs in healthcare
Summer job at the farm
Summer job at a restaurant or café

summer job at a caféIn the summer, the café and restaurant operations are moved to the archipelago and other summer resorts. It is common for cafés outside the cities to be locally owned and openings are therefore more difficult to find online. But they absolutely appreciate if you take the time to call or visit with their summer job application.Tip: Some restaurants and cafes in town have one more activity in popular summer resorts. The popular Stockholm restaurant Monrads also has a restaurant in Sandhamn, for example.Find a restaurant job
- At Platsbanken you will find over 100 vacant restaurant jobs.
- At Knife & Fork, there are plenty of vacant restaurant jobs.
Summer job in kiosk

summer job in kioskAs the Swedish beaches and promenades increase in popularity, so do the surrounding kiosks. Then extra staff is needed! Working in a beach kiosk is super fun and you get to learn a lot about cash and customer management.Tip: Think about which summer activities are popular, there are a lot of people, there is guaranteed to be a kiosk nearby! Examples are mini golf courses and volleyball courts.Find a kiosk job:
- Press office: show vacancies
- Kiosk Jobs at Platsbanken
Summer Work in a grocery store
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summer job in grocery store[/caption]Grocery stores employ a lot of young people for youth jobs, but those who work during the year take the summer as an opportunity to travel or start with something new. Here there are great opportunities for overtime, which pays well.
Find a store job:
- Lidl: show vacant store jobs
- Coop: show vacant store jobs
Summer work outdoors
Summer job as a youth leader

Summer is a holiday for camps of all kinds! Your association, my association, everyone's associations have summer camps, in addition, it pops up most confirmation camps and the like that are looking for most leaders!Find a job as a youth leader
- Metrojobb.se: show vacancies job as a youth leader
- Scouterna: show vacancies jobs with the scouts
- The Church of Sweden is looking for confirmation leaders
Summer job as a sports coach or at a sports camp
[caption id="attachment_543" align="alignnone" width="700"]

summer job as a sports coach During the summer, and other holidays, sports camps are arranged around the country. Working at a sports camp means that you dedicate a large part of the summer to your summer job, but also that you are outdoors, get to know lots of new people and get an experience of a lifetime. It is easy to google sports camps and they are looking for many employees. Tip: Think back to which sports you yourself have been involved in and talk to your old coaches, they may be involved in some camp.[/caption]
Summer job via Yepstr
Are you a youth between 15-24 years? On Yepstr, you can find your first job, make money and step into the job market. Whether you are looking for a summer job to earn a penny for a trip, extra work in addition to your studies or a weekend job when the schedule allows, you use Yepstr to build your CV and get valuable references. With us, you will find jobs as a babysitter, garden help, dog sitter, homework help, or why not a party fixer. Once you have proven yourself good and reached a sufficiently high level (yes we have levels), you have the opportunity to apply to companies that are looking for extra staff or offer other types of student jobs and youth jobs. Join and start your career on Yepstr.Read MoreDownload Yepstr Now!
Other articles that might interest you
Summer job wit YepstrThe Ulitmate Guide to Youth Jobs
What type of extra job is offered?
Via the app, the young people can take on all sorts of assignments that are posted in their immediate area. As a customer, you can place ads about most things you may need help with at home. It can be anything from childcare, pets, gardening, homework help till party help. Below you will find information about how the app works.
FACTS / How Yepstr works for you as a customer
- Create an ad on Yepstr (it does not take more than 3 minutes) and we will send it out to babysitters in your area.
- Feel free to add a couple of different times when you can meet babysitters for interviews. It is not uncommon to ask the babysitter to bring one of their parents to the interview. Feel free to let the children play a little with the
- babysitter so you can see them having fun together!When you have found one (or a couple) good matches, you can book and pay directly in the app.
FACTS / Extra job with Yepstr for you as a youth
- Download the App and get an account. Once you have done that, you can see all the assignments that are laid out within 5-7 km within your immediate area.
- The assignments vary and can be anything from babysitting, homework help, moving help and dog sitting.Once you have found an assignment that suits you, just search and wait to either be called for an interview, or be booked immediately.
- Have you been booked? Congratulations! Feedback to the customer in the chat and agree on all important details, such as time, date and address.
- When the assignment is complete, all you have to do is pay in the app, and the money lands in the account within a week.

Yepstr - The safest app for babysitting in Sweden

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